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TL;DR: Breadcrumbs are a navigational aid commonly used in user interfaces, displaying the user's current location within a website or application hierarchy. They typically appear as a trail of clickable links, enabling users to easily backtrack or navigate to higher-level pages.

Digital breadcrumbs, also called breadcrumb trails, are information users leave behind as they visit pages online. Breadcrumbs can help users understand their path to a current page and trace their way back to the starting page. B2C companies also utilize these digital trails to create a profile of their target consumers.

Updated February 17, 2024
Axel Grubba is the founder of Findstack, a B2B software comparison platform, with his background spanning management consulting and venture capital where he invested in software. Recently, Axel has developed a passion for coding and enjoys traveling when he is not building and improving Findstack.