The Ultimate List of Instagram Statistics for 2025

Christopher Benitez, March 23, 2025
The Ultimate List of Instagram Statistics for 2025
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2020 proved to be a massive year for Instagram. Not only did they launch the highly anticipated video sharing platform, Instagram Reels, but the number of people using Instagram monthly reached over one billion. Furthermore, the social media platform evolved to support its growing business accounts globally.

As you plan your Instagram marketing strategy for 2025, it’s essential to know the latest and upcoming Instagram trends for 2025. Whether you’re planning on building your presence on Instagram or you’re just interested in the numbers, it pays to understand how this platform is evolving.

We’ve scoured the web and compiled everything we could find on the latest and upcoming Instagram trends for 2025 into one complete ultimate list.

Instagram Statistics Highlights

  • Over 200 million Instagram users check out the Explore tab daily
  • The United States has the most Instagram users, with 120 million users
  • Approximately 100 million photos are uploaded every 24 hours
  • 22.02% of the world’s 4.54 billion active internet users access Instagram monthly
  • Instagram has over 500 million+ daily active users
  • 25 million – the number of businesses on Instagram

Now that you’ve gone through a few teasers, let’s dive in a bit more and look at more interesting Instagram facts and statistics in more detail.

General Instagram Statistics

Instagram Has Over 1 Billion Users Using the App Every Month

(Backlinko )

Instagram has reached over one billion monthly users worldwide and shows no sign of stopping. America has the highest number of Instagram users with 120 million people who access the photo-sharing app monthly. Instagram is the sixth most used social platform for users, behind Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, FB Messenger, and TikTok. Facebook is the most used social platform, with over 2.7 billion monthly active users.

Instagram Is the Second Most Downloaded Free App in the Apple Store

(Apple Store)

Only YouTube has more downloads on this list (statistics not yet available). Snapchat, messenger, and Facebook follow closely after, which is an excellent indication of Instagram’s continued growth.

46% of Smartphone Users in the US Use Instagram on a Daily


According to the latest research data from Backlinko, an estimated 12% of the 1 billion monthly active Instagram accounts are in the US, making up 46.2% of all US smartphone users. India fellows in a close second with 80 million, Brazil (77 million), and Indonesia (63 million).

Instagram Is the 10th Most Popular Google Query


What are people searching for on Google the most? Some most popular queries are famous websites like Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, and Google itself. Out of all the search queries, Instagram made it in the top 10. This also includes generic search terms such as ‘how-to’ and ‘videos.’ This is an essential stat because this platform usually isn’t used through a web interface and shows its influence globally.

71.9% of the Posts on Instagram Are Photos

(Social Bakers)

Not surprising at all, most of the content on Instagram is photos, the top reasons for using Instagram. More than one in ten users are using the platform specifically to shop or find new products, an important reason why visuals are essential to attract customers. A smaller percentage is video content, which tends to get better engagement and shares on the platform.

The Like Button on Instagram Is Used 4.2 Billion Times per Day


Available figures released by Facebook showed that 95 million photos are being uploaded daily, and there are 4.2 billion likes per day, on average. To put that into perspective, that’s 130 billion likes in a month and 1.5 trillion likes every year!

In General, More People Comment on Video Posts Than Images

(Social Insider)

A recent study carried out by SocialInsiders, looking over 7 million posts, revealed that the most extensive Instagram profiles had twice as many comments on video posts than on image posts. The chances of engagement are higher with video than photos, and ever since the integration of video in the feed views was introduced, the attention has been going up year by year.

Instagram User Stats

More Than Half of the Global Instagram User Population Is Younger Than 34 Years Old


Statista reported that more than half of the global Instagram users’ population is 34 years or younger. This does not surprise us as, generally, millions of teenagers and young adults flock to this social media platform daily. As of October 2020, 13.9 % of global active Instagram users were women between 18 and 34.

The USA Has the Highest Number of Active Users on Instagram (120M)


The USA has the most active users on the platform with 120 million+, followed by India with 80 million, Brazil (77 million), Indonesia (63 million), and Russia (44 million). As you can see, Instagram has a large international presence, making it very appealing to both influencers and brands for marketing.

On Instagram, 52% of Users Are Female, and 48% of Users Are Men


According to Statista, 52% of Instagram users are female, while 48% are men. This statistic gives information on the distribution of Instagram users worldwide as of October 2020, sorted by gender during the survey period.

88% of Instagram Users Live Outside of America

(Make A Website Hub)

Next up, we look at how many Instagram users live outside the USA. Currently, 88% of Instagram’s 1 billion monthly users live outside the USA. Americans are the largest Instagram audience, but they’re very far from the majority. The USA has 120 million users, followed by India with 80 million, Brazil (77 million), Indonesia (63 million), and Russia (44 million).

This is an important stat when thinking about targeting your ideal audience and what kind of content to create.

18 – 24-Year-Olds Are the Most Active Age Group on Instagram

(Social Media Today)

According to a Social Media Today study of Americans, Instagram is the most popular app among 18 to 24-year-olds, with rival Snapchat coming in a close second. Thus study did not include the highly successful newcomer, TikTok.

To get a better understanding of who uses Instagram the most, here’s a breakdown of the platforms age-related demographics among US adults:

  • 75% of people aged 18–24 are active on Instagram
  • 57% of people aged 25–30 are active on Instagram
  • 47% of people aged 30–49 are active on Instagram
  • 23% of people aged 50–64 are active on Instagram
  • 8% of people aged 65+ are active on Instagram

Instagram Users Spend 28 Minutes per Day on Average on the Platform


According to eMarketer, the average user spent 28 minutes per day on the platform2020. Furthermore, they predict that this will increase going forward, and Facebook is already experiencing a decrease in usage time. Instagram saw more time spent per day than Snapchat for the first time in 2019.

130 Million Instagram Users Tap on Shopping Posts Every Month


On average, 130 million people are shopping around the Instagram platform and making purchases directly from it. Although the shop app is still a relatively new feature on Instagram, it’s getting better every year. The new checkout feature makes it possible to buy products without even leaving the Instagram interface.

Creators sell products ranging from clothing to digital products like templates or courses promoted to their Instagram audience but sold via external platforms like Crevio or Pensight.

Instagram Influencer Stats

$1.7 to $2.3 Billion Is Currently Being Spent On Instagram Influencers


According to Mediakix, a study estimated that the total spend on Instagram influencers was $1.7 billion in 2019 and increase to $2.3 billion by the end of 2020. Thi projected to grow significantly in 2021. In 2017, only$800 million was spent, rising to $1.3 billion in 2018.

There Are Over 15 Million Sponsored Posts On Instagram To Date


A MediaKix study found that sponsored posts using FTC approved hashtags increased by 30% each year and totaled over 15.5 million.

Instagram Influencer Rates Range From $50 To $1 Million For A Single Sponsored Post


Influencer marketing has grown over the last few years, thanks to Instagram. Influencer now comes in different tiers from nano to mega influencers with large follower bases. As such, each influencer has different prices for sponsored posts.

Top celebrities such as Cristiano Ronaldo can command a cool half a million to a million per sponsored posts. Nano- or micro-influencers may start around $50 with compensated freebies and giveaways.

The Top 50 Instagram Influencers Have Over 7.2 Billion Followers Combined


The tops 50 Instagram influencers had a combined follower count of over 7 billion. In 2017 they only had 4 billion, so fast forward nearly four years later, these top Instagrammers have added almost 70% more followers to their audiences.

Instagram Ads Stats

Photo Ads See Just 1 Comment for Every 1k Followers

(Jumper Media)

Since Instagram is a photo-sharing platform first and foremost, it only makes sense that their most common ad is a photo ad. However, according to Jumper Media, you can only expect one comment for every 1,000 followers you have when it comes to sponsored photos. There are other ways to promote your post for better engagement.

Collection Ads increase conversions by Over 6%

(Jumper Media)

Collection ads allow you to show several ads in one ad and enable potential customers to purchase directly from the ad.

It’s not easy to find stats on this, but according to Facebook’s results, there was a 6.3% lift in conversions and 42% lower conversion costs when using collection ads than other ad formats.

Video Ads Get 3X the Engagement

(Media Kix)

According to Media Kix, video ads are way more effective than photos when t comes to user engagement. You can increase engagement up to 3x by using video ads instead of single-photo ads. Plus, you can convey much more in a short period with video.

Instagram Video Stats

Top Instagram Influencers post 6-7 Stories Every Day

(99 Firms)

Instagram stories were launched not too long ago and continue to challenge Snapchat as the top video platform of choice for influencers. Over 30 days, a study was carried and 12 top social media influencers posted on average, 6.6 Instagram Stories each day, and only 5.3 Snapchat Stories. Instagram has more than 90 million tagged shopping links clicked every month and no surprise why more than 1 in 3 daily active Instagrammers said they have become more interested in a brand or product after seeing it on Instagram Stories.

50% of business Instagram Accounts Have Posted an Instagram Story

(99 Firms)

Many businesses across many industries have jumped on the Instagram Stories bandwagon and have quickly adopted some of its features; thus, they are seeing increased consumer engagement. According to Instagram, 50% of the 25 million business accounts on Instagram posted an Instagram Story in July 2017, and 20% of organic Stories posted by businesses receive a direct message.

40% of Instagram Users Post Instagram Stories Daily

(99 Firms)

Instagram Stories has become just as important as Instagram’s main feed. Facebook recently reported that 400 million users utilize Instagram Stories every day. The feature gained 100 million daily users in the first two months and has continued to increase.

Instagram Stats – Summary

Millions of teenagers and young adults are flocking to this social media platform daily. Instagram has quickly grown from a trendy app to a massive marketing social network and shows no stopping signs. We scrapped the internet from global reports such as Statista and Mediakix to more localized sources and compiled the essential Instagram statistics for 2025.

Want to Learn More?

Christopher Benitez is a freelance writer who specializes in the digital marketing field. His work has been published on SEO and affiliate marketing-specific niches like Monitor Backlinks, Niche Pursuits, Web Hosting Secret Revealed, and others.
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