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Similarweb Pricing Overview

Similarweb Pricing Plans
Similarweb has not provided pricing information for this product. This is common practice for software sellers and service providers. Contact Similarweb to obtain current pricing.
Pricing information for Similarweb is supplied by the software vendor or retrieved from publicly accessible pricing materials.

Similarweb Pricing Reviews

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jun 15, 2021
Overall Rating:
Karissa S. avatar
Karissa S.
Head Of Marketing & Analytics
"Advanced competitive intelligence and market research tool"
What do you like best about Similarweb?

Similarweb Pro is one of the best competitive intelligence and market research tools I've ever used—and I've used plenty. It's excellent for understanding how you stack up against others in your category in terms of website traffic, engagement, and especially marketing channels. They have also invested in their search engine insights and keep adding useful new features. I love the attention and partnership I get from our account manager. Our monthly phone calls are very consultative and help me take full advantage of the robust platform. With Similarweb, I have saved hours and hours on market research, and the data is credible, so when we make critical business decisions based upon it, I can feel extremely confident.

What do you dislike about Similarweb?

It's pretty pricey, and they do not offer discounts for nonprofits. I wish it didn't cost so much, especially compared to other expenses in my overall budget — it's just out of proportion. In addition, there are a few areas that they haven't cracked, so I have to ignore the data. For example, estimating the traffic contribution of Email as a channel is not believable. I wish I could view more year-over-year comparisons, but the limit is 12 months (at least for the level I've purchased anyway). I also wish it were easier to share dashboards between multiple users.

What problems is Similarweb solving and how is that benefiting you?

Similarweb Pro has been vital to understanding whether up or down trends we're experiencing are unique to us or are affecting our closest competitors, especially with COVID-19 and Facebook's algorithm updates. Showing my executive team what's going on and how we fare compared to others has been a lifesaver. Every summer, I do a deep dive into our close peers and a competitive landscape review. I simply could not do it without Similarweb. I share the search keyword insights with our content team to spark new ideas, show gaps in our coverage, and point out new opportunities.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
May 04, 2023
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Invaluable competitive research and market intelligence tool"
What do you like best about Similarweb?

As a PPC manager, I find SimilarWeb invaluable when exploring new industries, markets or even just refreshing my keyword lists. It's great for gap analysis, keyword research and competitor monitoring. I've used market intelligence tools before and what really makes Similarweb stand out is their customer support. Their agents are always quick to respond to help requests and regularly ask for feedback on upcoming features and betas, which really make me feel like a valued customer.

What do you dislike about Similarweb?

Some of the reports don't show up to date results, they're often up to a month behind which makes proactivity difficult. And there's no forecasting features, which granted is more difficult than reporting on past metrics, but it would be useful to have even estimates of what could happen in the coming months based on all the past data in the system.

What problems is Similarweb solving and how is that benefiting you?

I work in quite a niche industry and Similarweb helps me to find competitors, keywords and even audiences that I may not have otherwise considered. In the last few months, I've brought down my cost per acquisition more than 100% by using Similarweb for audience and keyword discovery.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Feb 01, 2024
Overall Rating:
Mehmet A. avatar
Mehmet A.
"Similarweb is a Game-Changer in Search Analytics"
What do you like best about Similarweb?

The platform offers comprehensive insights into website traffic, competitive analysis, and market trends, which are crucial for informed decision-making in digital marketing strategies. Its user-friendly interface and detailed reporting capabilities allow for easy analysis and interpretation of data, making it an indispensable tool for staying ahead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape

What do you dislike about Similarweb?

While Similarweb provides extensive analytics and insights, one area for improvement could be the pricing structure. The service can be on the higher end of the budget for small to medium-sized businesses or startups. Additionally, while the data is generally very comprehensive, there are occasional gaps in smaller market segments or niche industries. Streamlining the cost-effectiveness and expanding the depth of data in less prominent sectors could enhance the overall utility of the platform

What problems is Similarweb solving and how is that benefiting you?

Similarweb effectively addresses the challenge of understanding and navigating the digital competitive landscape. By offering detailed analytics on website traffic, audience behavior, and market trends, it empowers us with actionable insights to refine our digital marketing strategies. This has been particularly beneficial in optimizing SEO efforts, enhancing content marketing, and identifying new growth opportunities.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Sep 13, 2023
Overall Rating:
Natalie L.
"Unveiling Competitor Insights with Similar Web"
What do you like best about Similarweb?

One of the standout features of Similar Web is its ability to shed light on the intricate details of your competitors' online presence. It provides a comprehensive overview of their web traffic, including where it's coming from and what sources are driving it. This information is priceless when it comes to understanding the competitive landscape and crafting a winning strategy.

What do you dislike about Similarweb?

The pricing structure of Similar Web is intricately tied to your chosen market subscriptions. In essence, the more market subscriptions you opt for, the higher the cost you'll incur.

What problems is Similarweb solving and how is that benefiting you?

Similar Web provides invaluable insights into the market industry, offering a clear understanding of where our brands currently stand and how we can effectively penetrate the market through digital media.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Jul 01, 2021
Overall Rating:
Shane M. avatar
Shane M.
Paid Media Operations Associate(jellyfish Academy)
"Similarweb Pro Recommendation"
What do you like best about Similarweb?

- Brilliant User interface that presents multiple web analytics tools that include insightful graphs - Competitor analysis is available across the majority of the tools with functionality that allows simultaneous comparisons of multiple competitors(Up to 5) - Allows for segmentation by geo, industry, device, paid/organic & brand/nonbrand - Simple software/UX which can be used by any team and can be easily trained on if needed. - Best 3rd Party web analytics software in my opinion.

What do you dislike about Similarweb?

- Pricing on the enterprise plan is expensive but worth it. Although for small businesses the pricing won't warrant the value as it is a top tier expensive SAAS - There is no in-between the free account and enterprise account. - "month to date" switch appears sometimes inconsistently

What problems is Similarweb solving and how is that benefiting you?

- Directly analyze competitors' traffic metrics, patterns, and data, like no other 3rd party tool - Identifying data and caveats in specific geo, date range, device, marketing channels - Data can be used to supplement any type of reporting. Can compare first-party data to third-party data for any correlations. -

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Dec 13, 2022
Overall Rating:
Sarah W. avatar
Sarah W.
Director Of Digital Analytics
"SimilarWeb provides competitive benchmarking we can't get anywhere else"
What do you like best about Similarweb?

SimilarWeb has allowed us to peer behind the curtain of our competitors' actions and see what strategies are working for them. The keyword tools also help us to identify keywords before they spike and tailor our content to match.

What do you dislike about Similarweb?

The only downside of SimilarWeb is the cost. It's a little pricey for what you get and represented a big commitment for a company our size. Overall, though, the cost has been worth it.

What problems is Similarweb solving and how is that benefiting you?

SimilarWeb is helping us to monitor competitor growth on both web and social, peek into their strategies, and see what platforms and keywords are working for them. It also allows us to compare ourselves and see where we can make gains.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Aug 17, 2021
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Similarweb provides competitive insight you can't find anywhere else"
What do you like best about Similarweb?

With Similarweb, you are able to gain competitive insight into any and every competitor website on the web, and there are no extra charges or fees if you want to keep expanding your competitive set.

What do you dislike about Similarweb?

The data provided can be a little too high level at times.

What problems is Similarweb solving and how is that benefiting you?

We're able to gain insight into how other CPG companies are leveraging their website to drive traffic, and we've been able to see that the degree to which websites are leveraged really varies by business. We've also been able to use Similarweb to benchmark our performance against competitors and in future, we plan to use Similarweb's segment analysis feature to gauge our competitor's performance in the D2C space.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jul 01, 2022
Overall Rating:
Dustin H. avatar
Dustin H.
Sr. Affiliate Manager
"Worth every dollar"
What do you like best about Similarweb?

Snooping on competitors! The brands I work with need more affiliate partners, and the best way to find them is to search all the websites that are driving traffic to those competitors. SimilarWeb makes this process super easy.

What do you dislike about Similarweb?

The cost is really high, which is the biggest hesitation. But if you evaluate all the tools it takes the place of, it is worth the price to have all these incredible tools in one place.

What problems is Similarweb solving and how is that benefiting you?

Similarweb is solving the problem of inaccurate web traffic data. By providing accurate web traffic data, they are benefiting you by helping you to make better-informed decisions about your website's marketing and growth strategy.

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