GeneXus is an application development platform that designs applications for the web, smart devices, and Windows platforms. GeneXus consulting assists in developing these applications according to the needs of businesses. GeneXus automatically performs the steps needed to create apps and allows users to view and manage application operations during creation.
Capabilities |
Segment |
Deployment | Cloud / SaaS / Web-Based, Desktop Windows, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone, On-Premise Windows |
Support | 24/7 (Live rep), Chat, Email/Help Desk, FAQs/Forum, Knowledge Base, Phone Support |
Training | Documentation |
Languages | English |
software development is much faster and easier
The cost of the license can be expensive for a freelance programmer
Quickly build complex mission-critical software
It helps develop high-performance applications while leaving the analyst focused on the business and not the language itself. Genexus provide ways to build mobile applications, web-based, and everything else, in an integrated way, with freedom of UX/UI implementation and multiple databases.
It lacks custom UX/UI components, poorly updated and low comprehensive documentation, and the best extras are third-party paid customizations.
Genexus made it possible to create low-cost, multi-purpose applications, all with a single license per developer.
La facilidad con la que se pueden desarrollar sistemas muy complejos y la posibilidad de crear aplicaciones para casi todas las plataformas que existen
A veces es dificil hacer cosas de bajo nivel
A lo largo de mi carrera profesional he desarrollado todo tipo de sistemas con Genexus desde sistemas simples a sistemas muy complejos y críticos para mis clientes. el mayor beneficio es que después son fáciles de mantener y adaptar a los cambios de los negocios o agregar nuvas funcionalidades.
Software development is easier with Genexus. Its philosophy of incremental development is the best option, since it is supported by a knowledge base and not by the generation of code. It helps us to create better applications, in the easiest way possible.
could have better patterns that would improve the user experience
Genexus is future-proof! Technology changes, but the knowledge base created by Genexus endures. Genexus is truly a multi-platform development tool.
Los tiempos de desarollo son extremadamente reducidos, entendiendo la logica de negrocio se hae too rapido
Las versiones anteriores era un poco mas forzoso todo, actualmente se desarollaron herramientas que faciitan integraciones entre ootras cosas.
El trabajjo en equipo, la integracion a la hora de trabajr con grandes grpos de personas en un problema ue con el server se soluciona y cumple las expectativas
In my experience working with Genexus what I liked more was the adaptability that it offers and the facility of this
For someone who has been in the world of coding for a few years, it might be challenging to adapt to the idea of Genexus
ERP solutions, gives a wide range of clients to which we can apply Genexus because of its adaptability
Es la mejor herramienta para enfocar en el negocio
Que al ser compilado actualizar la parte de front end se vuelve un poco dificil sin un preview un poco más exacto
Integraciones sobre todo y conectar diversos productos
La creacion y actualizacion de tablas por medio de las transacciones.
En la ingenieria inversa al obtner las tablas no pueda indetificar las transacciones de cabecera y detalle.
La creacion e integracion de webservice.
Helped us to focus on the logic of the system, and generate it in multiple platforms based on the client needs.
It needs enhancements in the frontend, but there are multiple ways to import external themes, using a sketch or to use WorkWithPlus or K2B to boost the work
GeneXus handle all the updates of the API's and generate multiple codes for all platforms (CSharp/.NetCore/Java/Android/iOS)
GeneXus hace a lot of diferente settings that makes it one of the Best Low Code programa to work. Is very easy to learn and work
GeneXus have some problemas with the work enviroments. And sometimes you cant find any information about it
A lot. I work with genexus for about 3 tears and its the Best.
Our teams ability to develop large scale enterprise applications with a small team. The ability to rapidly prototype, deploy in multiple languages and easily handle application enhancements and maintenance. Focusing on functionality, end-user business process and automation across multi-channel deployments.
The down side of using GeneXus is the lack of developers and clients in the US. The GeneXus clients that we interface with are very keen on the capabilities of GeneXus. The GeneXus client views the GeneXus tool set as a key component of their competitive advantage in the market.
The ability to improve business process by automating everything that can be automated. The result is a custom solution to improve business efficiency. As process changes, the ability to adjust the application to address the new reality. The ability over time to move your application to the latest application development code releases.
productivity multiplataform Workflow Mobile
nothing to complain about, we use genexus in its entirety and meets perfectly
productivity multiplataform Workflow
The ability of generating for several platforms without specific knowledge.
The setup / installation / onboarding process.
Fast iteration, deployment and technical obsoleteness.
Easy of use, UX, speed and the large set of different platforms that support
Documentation, and the community support
Developing web applications. The speed to create, prototype and adapt my solution.
Very small and smart languaje, faster code.
its very expensive for a programmer, i belive it
faster coding for apps and enterprise solutions
It's an easy and fast tool set for create solutions very strong and easy. You create the DB and the programs, in just a hours, and will run local or in an enterprice solution. The interface is simple and you can add elements into code o DB since the dev tool
Sometimes the compiler send error dificult to solve, but the less
I always use it as my first solution tool for my customers Local solutions, web based solutions. solutions for mobile, and even WebServices interact, are easy to programming
Ayuda a desarrollar aplicaciones de una manera rápida, eficaz, quitando las partes repetitivas, las partes tediosas, acelerando el proceso de construcción, ya que Genexus realiza todas las tareas de creación de bases de datos, códigos de aplicación, interfaz de usuario, problemas del servidor y otras necesidades, además asegura una consistencia entre la base de datos y el software, dejando al desarrollador libre para pensar sobre la ingeniería de software.
Al ser una plataforma predefinida, me gustaría que hubiera una mayor facilidad de poder modificar las interfaces/eventos, aunque se entiende que esté algo limitado en ese aspecto por su consistencia de software-base de datos.
Acelerar el desarrollo, me permite trabajar con varios proyectos sin que se haga tedioso
GeneXus is the alternative to have a Consultancy Company that can release quality solutions in record times and mantain them with the lowest cost. If you have a Software development company , I think these are two things that make your clients will prefer you.
I think it would be a good idea to have Interactions Catalogs
Mission Critical applications and advanced technology ones
Es práctico para una persona que tiene poco conicimiento con la programación y se puede aprender en poco tiempo.
La implementación de código y reglas en el lo que se esta realizando.
por el momento estoy aprendiendo a usar genexus para poder implementar desarrollos de sistemas en donde actualmente estoy trabajando.
muy intuitivo al hacer las consultas como tambien al hacer las interfaces para los usuarios finales ya que presenta varias opciones para hacerlas mas agradables a los usuarios al manejo.
En la ultima versión quitaron algunos funciones que eran mas sencillos al momento de programar y evita que no escribamos mucho codigo, los web panel estaria bien que el programador pueda manejarlo al gusto al querer modicarlo.
En el analisis y en la creacion de la tabalas de base de datos nos ahorra mucho codigo en el desarrollo de los proyectos, como tambien en la creacion de las pantallas para los usuarios