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Breezy HR
Streamlined hiring made easy.
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Breezy HR Reviews & Product Details

Breezy HR Overview
What is Breezy HR?

Modernize your recruiting process with Breezy! End-to-end recruiting software to attract & hire great employees with less effort.

Company Breezy HR, Inc.
Year founded 2014
Company size 51-200 employees
Headquarters Jacksonville, Florida, United States
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Breezy HR Product Details
Small Business
Mid Market
Deployment Cloud / SaaS / Web-Based, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone
Support 24/7 (Live rep), Chat, Email/Help Desk, FAQs/Forum, Knowledge Base, Phone Support
Training Documentation
Languages English
Breezy HR Features
360 Degree Feedback
Applicant Tracking
Background Screening
Career Development Planning
Collaboration Tools
Compensation Management
Compliance management
Customizable Reporting
Employee Engagement
Employee Self-Service
Goal Setting / Tracking
HR Analytics
Interview Scheduling
Job Requisition Management
Learning Management
Mobile Access
Payroll Integration
Performance Appraisal
Performance Management
Recruitment Management
Resume Parsing
Skills Assessment
Succession Planning
Survey Management
Talent Pool Management
Time & Attendance
Training Management
Workforce Planning
Breezy HR Media
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Breezy HR Screenshots
Our research is curated from diverse authoritative sources and meant to offer general advice. We don’t guarantee that our suggestions will work best for each use-case, so consider your unique needs when choosing products and services. Feel free to share your feedback.
Last updated: September 19, 2024
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619 Breezy HR Reviews
4.4 out of 5
Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Dec 13, 2016
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"BCH Review"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

I like that it's really easy to visually see where certain candidates are in the process. I like how it's organized and the flow makes a lot of sense. It's a very good way to filter through a large amount of candidates.

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

For me, I've found it frustrating that I'm just getting so many candidates that sometimes it's hard to keep up with the demands. It would be really nice if Breezy looked at the candidates that I've talked to / moved along in the process and then makes recommendations for candidates instead of just letting anyone apply.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

We are creating an online compensation platform for the investment management industry. We allow CFOs of hedge funds, PE firms, and VC firms to benchmark their compensation against that of their peers so that they can better retain top talent and make smarter hiring decisions.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 26, 2022
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Worked for Early Stage"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

I liked that it was relatively easy to navigate on the platform

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

It was confusing to add certain functionalities and take you through stages of the interview process.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

We were able to get our hiring efforts started and have candidates in the pipeline. We ultimately were not more productive using Breezy as more positions opened.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 24, 2022
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"review in a nutshell"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

Breezy is pretty straight forward and simple to use. There are a lot of really neat features that allow me to cruise through candidates in my hiring process.

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

Breezy seems to have too many tiny pathways to get into some simple settings. I also wish Breezy reporting was easier and more accurate.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

Benefits include scorecards and candidate rankings, I am solving issues as far as tracking candidates go. There are a lot of neat features I enjoy.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 24, 2022
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Nice but not enough"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

I like the options when publishing and the options of platform where the job offers go.

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

The reach that I got from other platforms was better. When getting a new candidate I would've like to be able to download the info since I work on my own communication flow.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

My goal when using Breezy HR is only to get new candidates. To Reach new applicants, but Breezy HR hasn't been so helpful on this.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 24, 2022
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Breezy Review"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

Workflows and the applicant database have been the most useful to our team.

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

Inability to run candidate campaigns with our email provider, Mailchimp.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

Recruiting creative talent, and keeping a talent database.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Sep 30, 2019
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

Options to get the profiles directly from Job portals

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

No options to create a confidential information access. Eg: Salary details should not be viewed by all but only management ( Restricted access to salaries) Question wise disqualification - only first question on multiple choice is taken as a decision maker which is not good at all.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

Creating a question to disqualify candidates automatically

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Feb 28, 2017
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Scorecard issues"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

I like the kanban-style of candidate board, and having their resume, experience, notes, etc. in one place is nice.

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

Determining how to rate a candidate has it's issues. It may just be how our company set up the system and the questions, but it is incredibly confusing determining how to rate. An example from a current rating questionnaire: "Is the candidate passionate about our mission and their role?" Very [thumbs-down, neutral, thumbs-up] Somewhat [thumbs-down, neutral, thumbs-up] Not particularly [thumbs-down, neutral, thumbs-up] With that type of set up, I'm not sure if I need to rate each item on the scale, or just one item. In this example, I could give a thumbs-up to all three items, and I have no idea what that would mean, and no idea how that would be interpreted.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

Solving: Hiring the head of a department.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Feb 28, 2017
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"HR Manager"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

I enjoy the simplicity of Breezy HR. Design looks great and interface is very intuitive to use for anyone. Constant improvements and listening to customer's feedback is also a huge plus.

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

Some technical difficulties that I have experienced with video interviews and setting up actual interviews in calendar.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

Improving the hiring process. Reducing its complications and increasing the speed of finding good candidates. Breezy helps with these matters.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Sep 27, 2023
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"On a good way to be a good ATS"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

It has a lot of potential of being a good ATS

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

It has so many limited features, some basic requirements from one ATS are not respected

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

It facilitate our recruitment process

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Oct 18, 2022
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"The basics when it comes to an ATS"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

Simplicity and layout are easy to use and understand

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

A number of things do not cater to someone who needs a lot of different features and flexibility within those.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

It can solve recruiting issues if you have a very small team of under 5 people or just getting started. If you do not need elaborate pipelines or scorecards, then it will work for you. Otherwise it is not a fit.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Jun 13, 2022
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Facing some teething issues but overall easy to use."
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

Thats its easy and user friendly. Users find it easy to use too.

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

Constant system errors. Alot of lag time.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

Hiring and offers.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
May 24, 2022
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Ok but not great for rapid, scaled hiring"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

The support team is accessible and helpful

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

There is no way for one recruiter to easily keep tabs on hiring across the board. Relies too heavily on hiring managers to use the system without error, and does not offer informative insight into hiring for all positions without clicking in to each individual role or candidate.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

We are using it for hiring but it is only sufficient. We haven't been wowed by the system.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 24, 2022
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Breezy could be good for some orgs, but it seems over-engineered for our biz"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

I like that Breezy seemlessly posts reqs to our careers website at the click of a button.

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

The process of collaborating and managinge reqs in Breezy feels overly cumbersome. Simply disqualifying candidates or moving them out of the process is not intuitive. People at our company commonly groan about Breezy.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

I would say the primary problem we solve with Breezy is posting positions on our website.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Dec 16, 2016
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"I'm a first time recruiter, so Breezy is my baseline."
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

I don't really have something that sticks out as my favorite feature.

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

I don't like that you fact that you can't continue to have conversations with candidates after the position has been taken down.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

We are trying to source candidates for internal positions. We have seen a good number of resumes through our postings.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jul 13, 2017
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Review of breezy"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

Easy to use, also shows what other positions candidates have applied to.

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

Many bugs and lacking in features. You can't edit the position a candidate has applied for, instead you have to copy the candidate to a new position and then delete the first instance. You then lose all emails, discussion and scorecards for the candidate. Scheduled emails display as being sent when you scheduled them, not when you scheduled them for - this makes following up after x days very difficult.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

Streamlining our hiring process, making all candidates actionable by the entire team.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jan 12, 2022
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Lots of overhead, not much benefit"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

Data is captured from the interview process.

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

Confusing interface and user experience, inconsistent based on each person's role in the process. Makes it confusing for participants in interview process to communicate among themselves.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

Use for interview scheduling and feedback. Sometimes helps streamline things, but sometimes becomes just one more calendar to manage.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 17, 2023
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"So far, not even worth the nothing I paid for the free trial"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

Nothing so far. Since this text entry field requires more than three words, I'll just write again that I like nothing about Breezy HR, really nothing at all, nothing that is, totally nothing.

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

For hiring, Breezy posts to the usual recruiting platforms, but its ludicrously slow internal onboarding process delayed posting of my offer by the entire first week of the two week trial. Then I had to pay for a plan to maintain access to those delayed resumes, when I could have posted directly myself using our existing accounts and had instant exposure. Also, the UI was designed by people who don't understand UI design. Overall, an annoying experience so far.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

None that I could not have solved more easily myself. Oh F*(K, another text entry field that needs a lot of words. This review interface is an even bigger POS than Breezy.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jun 04, 2021
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Terrible ATS"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

Absolutely ZERO. Okay, maybe the video..

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

In my over 20 years working in talent acquistion, I have never used such a terrible piece of software. Basic functions such as the ability to disposition one or more candidates isn't available. Everything that I deem basic and many other users of this platform, must go through this feature request process and when enough requests are received, it going on a planning board. Support! You can forget speaking to someone unless you're on their highest tiered plan. No clue what our CSM does except for sending YouTube links and self help guides. The absolute worst ATS in existence, I am in shock it's a top 10 on here.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

Zero benefits to this product. It's insane that you cannot disposition, nothing about it is really HR friendly. If a candidate isn't qualified you delete them. Hello, isn't the purpose of an ATS is to be able to go back and find this person down the road? Horrible and we are only 2 months into this product. I can say 300%, it will not be that much longer before it's removed. I do not recommend this product to anyone.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Feb 19, 2018
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Worst user experience ever"
What do you like best about Breezy HR?

Nothing. Switch form greenhouse and was the biggest regret.

What do you dislike about Breezy HR?

Everything. The flow is not intuitive. You get emails about thing you need to do but no link to take you to it. The website is the ugliest most overwhelming thing. Logging in gives me anxiety. I could go on all day but need to save my time to navigate around your site.

What problems is Breezy HR solving and how is that benefiting you?

None problems solved on created new ones.

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