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Streamlined Hiring Solutions
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Recruitee Reviews & Product Details

Recruitee Overview
What is Recruitee?

Collaborative, easy-to-use hiring software to help internal HR teams work with the rest of their organization to find, interview, and hire the best talent.

Company Recruitee B.V.
Year founded 2015
Company size 51-200 employees
Headquarters Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Social Media
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Recruitee Product Details
Small Business
Mid Market
Deployment Cloud / SaaS / Web-Based, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone
Support 24/7 (Live rep), Chat, Email/Help Desk, FAQs/Forum, Knowledge Base, Phone Support
Training Documentation
Languages English
Recruitee Features
360 Degree Feedback
Applicant Tracking
Background Screening
Career Development Planning
Collaboration Tools
Compensation Management
Compliance management
Customizable Reporting
Employee Engagement
Employee Self-Service
Goal Setting / Tracking
HR Analytics
Interview Scheduling
Job Requisition Management
Learning Management
Mobile Access
Payroll Integration
Performance Appraisal
Performance Management
Recruitment Management
Resume Parsing
Skills Assessment
Succession Planning
Survey Management
Talent Pool Management
Time & Attendance
Training Management
Workforce Planning
Recruitee Media
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Recruitee Screenshots
Our research is curated from diverse authoritative sources and meant to offer general advice. We don’t guarantee that our suggestions will work best for each use-case, so consider your unique needs when choosing products and services. Feel free to share your feedback.
Last updated: September 09, 2024
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416 Recruitee Reviews
4.5 out of 5
Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Sep 27, 2022
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Nice ATS with some limitations"
What do you like best about Recruitee?

It's a good SaaS ATS with some nice features. It's very flexible by means that you can choose a lot of options per job like certain specific fiels you like in the application form, or the process you can adapt to your needs.

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

The tool is fully flexible on all levels. That can be a challenge if you'd like to streamline certain processes in order to get the right data out of it. The flexibility makes data contamination quite easy.

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

It makes sure that we have and adaquate ATS where everything is visible for the people in our organisation up to the levels that we require (different users etc )

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Nov 04, 2021
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"User friendly ATS"
What do you like best about Recruitee?

I like how the platform is very straightforward. You can learn it on your own. I also appreciate how responsive their customer support team is. They even follow up with you if you are not responding and ensure that the issue gets resolved before closing the ticket.

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

I think regardless of plans (except for free), allocating dedicated support staff won't hurt the business especially for clients who are just starting to transition from manual to an ATS. Yes, it is easy to navigate, but just like employment, onboarding is a critical part of the entire experience. Ensuring that they get the best of the system and giving them confidence that they're doing it right will be very helpful.

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

Management of applicants. For someone who's not only dedicated to talent acquisition, this saves us a lot of time. We were given more time to focus on more important tasks.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Oct 25, 2021
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Recruitee review"
What do you like best about Recruitee?

Easy UI. Drag and drop profiles were the easiest of all.Recruitee is a user friendly app.

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

However, customization is limited. Probably some one who set up the app for us did not follow through our hiring process. Which limited the scope of customisation.

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

We were using it to store all the resumes.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Oct 10, 2021
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Gets the job done"
What do you like best about Recruitee?

Mobile app works well (a few hickups). Good level of customization and automation.

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

Offer letter is not automated. There is no onboarding flow. Applicant's profile should display past or ongoing applications for any company role (it displays none).

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

Sourcing for candidates and pipeline management.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Sep 30, 2021
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Recruitee review"
What do you like best about Recruitee?

- easy-to-use - possibility to change the stages in each process - possibility to add templates for feedbacks, emails - integration with Google account (mails, calendar) - possibility to tag team members in notes (and visibility options) - possibility to send a feedback request - possibility to add team members to project

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

- lack of integration with LinkedIn - this is the most disturbing thing (adding candidates from LinkedIn taking too much time - even using a Recruitee Sourcing plug). Also, it would be great if to see in Recruitee messages that were sent to candidates through LinkedIn (the option that is available for example in Lever ATS) - not enough options in the scheduler - I wish there could be a possibility to add time buffers before/after meeting (like in Calendly) - not a user-friendly method to create tracking links (to know the source of the candidate's application) - integration with Zoom - that there is the possibility to integrate with only one account (in our company every recruiter has his own Zoom account so only one person can use this integration)

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

Benefits: an easy tool to cooperate with the team (e.g. hiring managers) Problems: as above (in dislike section)

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Aug 11, 2021
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Overall, a satisfaction to use Recruitee"
What do you like best about Recruitee?

- Good and intuitive UI/UX design in general - The apps provided are useable in most of the cases, from web to mobile

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

- Some minor UI bugs on the text editor or the text dialog renderer could be annoying but the team is very open to take the responsibility to fix it

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

Streamline the recruitment process has never been easy, and recruitee made it happen for a small scale organization like us. From sourcing the data, to automate the profiling, labelling, to coordinate with the others within thw recruitment squad, all can be done in 1 place. Also they offer a good integration for our job board marketing.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 23, 2021
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Recruitee has a nice lay-out and is easy to use."
What do you like best about Recruitee?

The overview of the vacancies is useful. The workflow you can set up for each vacancy. It's helpful that you can rate candidates and that hiring managers also can see the cv of the candidate and give their feedback. So the system is easy to use for yourself and to collaborate. Also, the integration part with LinkedIn is helpfull.

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

Filtering phases within the vacancies are not easy to do to see what the status of the vacancy is and how much effort the recruiter has delivered. The report site of Recruitee could be more detailed.

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

The team collaborates within Recruitee, so there is less time to discuss—the process of recruitment continues which is nice. We have more identical vacancies available, so we can use a talent pool to manage interesting candidates for the future.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Mar 09, 2021
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Easy to use basic features and sharing across hiring managers"
What do you like best about Recruitee?

Collaborative aspects and sharing the progress together, the way it should be.

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

1. When transferring candidates there aren't transferred to the same phase in the incoming jobs 2. Not being able to individually push to indeed, can only be done collectively or not at all

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

Collaboration, documentation, better applicant management, scraping from imported CVs

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Dec 19, 2020
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Great software, inflexible pricing"
What do you like best about Recruitee?

Very intuitive. Love the wide range of add market placed it's connected to accross countries.

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

We're a relatively small team and we only need a couple of job postings all the time. If we want to add one of two extra we're immediately moved up a whole tier. Not a lot of flexibility on their end.

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

Spreading our job postings, Managing the recruitment process

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Feb 26, 2020
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Hoping to work together long term"
What do you like best about Recruitee?

I like how simple the ap is to use That I can use it on my phone that it allows monthly payments That it integrates a website and a database

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

The service has been OK so far as far as response time however I feel as though the product has allot of potential to be excellent but upgrades are slow. Obvious updates such as improvement with maximizing registration for better database searches and categorizing of candidates being the main thing

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

Keeping project updates in a relevant place for my team to see Saving candidate data

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 25, 2019
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Hiring Made Easy"
What do you like best about Recruitee?

Recruitee is very easy to use and priced right. I like that it creates a careers page for my company's site and that applicants are easy to track.

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

There isn't much I don't like. If I had to be nit-picky the UI could use a refresh!

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

Keeping hundreds of applicants orgainizes if tough, especially when multiple team members are interviewing. Recruitee streamlines the communication between my team regarding applicants and has sped up our hiring process from a month or two to 2-3 weeks.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Dec 07, 2016
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Usel tool"
What do you like best about Recruitee?

Recruitee helps my team and me to have a clear communication in all steps of the process.

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

Some times links in e-mail from candidates do not appears in e-mail visualization tab in Recruitee.

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

I have been used Recruitee to review developer candidates that send tests answers for our hiring process.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Sep 26, 2022
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Somewhat satisfied"
What do you like best about Recruitee?

I like the functions of Recruitee. Grab and Drag function is useful. I like the mobile app it makes access easier when I am on the go. Templates are a plus as well though there are some glitches at times, but being able to customize my workflows is a help as I deal with multiple clients

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

I dont see a lot of candidate activity come through my job boards, that is a problem. There seems at times that my gmail and recruitee account are not linked, I do not always receive emails in both inboxes. I dont like that I cannot reach customer service 24/7, I work odd hours and at times I have to wait several hours for a response. Also I prefer calls to emails when receiving tech support, as my time can be limited a call is more effective for me to get an issue resolved Duplicate candidates- i feel that there should be a better system in flagging duplicates a lot of times I am able to upload the same candidate and then I am alerted to merge similar profiles. and this is a waste of time. I should be able to see that there is a duplicate candidate before uploading them

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

I am still evaluating the benefits of Recruitee for my business. Not sure if I will be renewing my terms at the end of my current contract

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 27, 2020
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"All started good, but ended not good"
What do you like best about Recruitee?

On first site, it all looked good, and easy to follow,

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

They doubled the price for existing customers without notice. Being an existing customer who put a lot of effort in setting up the software, and having all records of confidential applicants on the platform, and no easy export, this is quite frustrating.

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

Have a reliable software partner for our applicant tracking system

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 04, 2020
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"DO NOT RECOMMEND! Started very well, ended up very badly"
What do you like best about Recruitee?

It was very customer friendly tool and helped us to automate our recruitment process (was!)

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

After paying MORE for subscription (from 79 euro we started to pay 99 euro) they CANCELLED us the features that were automatizing the process (scheduler for meetings, screening questions surveys, API to connect with our website and others) and they asked to pay over 300 euro to get those features back. We invested a lot of time and money to integrate this system and after three months we are facing again if not to change for another ATS. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SURPRISED BY UNEXPECTED CHANGE OF CONDITIONS - FOR WORST (not better as it should be with still being developed software) - DO NOT CHOOSE RECRUITEE. Otherwise your effort to set it up, budget and processes are in danger. Do not trust this company (as you can see we are very disappointed right now).

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

We could in the past truly automate recruiting process and integrate it with our website. Right now not anymore.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Nov 10, 2017
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"They let me down."
What do you like best about Recruitee?

This product was very easy to use, also the customer service during our companies onboarding to the product was great. There was no shortage of help. They even worked with us to develop a solution that included more jobs as we maxed out their highest plan almost immediately.

What do you dislike about Recruitee?

Ultimately we left Recruitee because we needed something that could handle ATS, hiring, onborarding, and communications with and to existing staff. When we let it be known that we were leaving the tone of everything abruptly changed. No more customer service, our contact no longer communicated with us, and the IT team just sent us a link to their API to retrieve our data encompassing over 500 applicants in varying stages. Upon further investigation the API that they provided left the data in several pieces. In order to retrieve it we were forced with the option of developing custom script on our own or paying a developer a rate of $5k, which was the lowest bid we could find due to the time it would take to extrapolate it all. Ultimately with this Recruitee let us down. They boast that all of the data you insert into their system is yours but that's not necessarily true.

What problems is Recruitee solving and how is that benefiting you?

For Americans this isn't the best bet as they are in Europe on pretty much an opposite time zone. Also is not good for recruiting teams, staffing agencies, and the like as they aren't really capable of supporting a mass amount of jobs without some negotiation. I look at service in a 360 perspective. The first 180 was good when we signed up but the other side of the coin was a huge let down - they literally just stopped communicating with us even though they are holding 500+ applicants and all of the data we have on them. It's still there now, with no way to access it or do anything about it without shelling out cash to a third party. Hugely disappointing. It is due to my overall experience that I can not, in good conscience, recommend this product to anyone but my competitors because I know ultimately it won't go the distance for them and will put them at a disadvantage, which in the long run will benefit us. It is what it is.

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