Adobe Premiere Pro is the industry standard for video editing software and offers a huge selection of features to choose from. It can be purchased as a standalone product or as part of the Adobe Creative Cloud. Regardless, Premiere Pro offers a feature-rich selection of tools used for the creation of short films, TV shows, and YouTube videos. Access to a host of smart tools in an ever-evolving portfolio means Premiere Pro users can easily design and edit 4K, 8K, and even VR videos to suit different needs. It also offers access to other Creative Cloud apps, so you can easily access photos, effects, and other tools.
Capabilities |
Segment |
Deployment | Desktop Mac, Desktop Windows, On-Premise Linux |
Support | 24/7 (Live rep), Chat, Email/Help Desk, FAQs/Forum, Knowledge Base, Phone Support |
Training | Documentation |
Languages | English |
Premiere Pro is obviously one of the top picks for video editors. The tools are endless and the amount of plugins are endless
Color correction is still such a downfall in Premiere.
It helps create quality videos
PremierPro is a great tool for video editing and trimming and scrubbing footage. The layout is pretty simple if you are used to the older versions and you can jump in as a novice and still use it pretty efficiently. Import, Timelines, and Media Bins are all intuitive. There are some advanced features that allow you to apply great effects, but those features are reserved for more experienced users. The best part is definitely the ability to upload footage from several different file and camera types.
The thing that Adobe has been doing with all of its products is packaging them as an "Adobe Suite." So, you have to become a member of the Suite and upgrade to get Premier Pro, you can't just own it outright by itself.
Its great for a videographer or even a novice user to work with video and get some good graphics/edits put into place. The benefit of this is the ease of use and the ability to get video out quickly when needed.
• Adobe Premiere Pro has an interface that allows you to organize, tag, and sort through all the media you are importing for projects. • The organization tools and bins in Adobe Premiere Pro are really top-notch and allow you to move through collecting, managing, and finding clips very easily. • The editing tools are really great. • All the keyboard shortcuts built-in for commands and actions are helpful and allow you to move through editing even quicker, instead of solely relying on point and click with a mouse. • I like being able to edit audio and voice for a clip separately. • I also like being able to create, edit, and save multiple edited variations of the same clip. • I like how Adobe Premiere Pro integrates with other software in the Adobe Creative Suite, particularly Adobe After-Effects
I also used Adobe After Effects and there is different terminology used for the same features in these programs. It would be helpful if the terminology was a bit more consistent across both products when referencing similar features.
Organizing media and clips for projects. Easier video editing.
Was in the need to create some more appealing effects, such as smoke, gun shots, fires, modern graphics to implement in our product intro videos. This did the trick! We are able to create cinema like effects in house.
Once again I am not a fan of subscription software, I like to buy once and be done for a few years. As usual this is either yearly prepaid or monthly. There is almost too much you can do with this software!
Creating more appealing product release videos for machined goods. Now we can get the attention we deserve by making attention grabbing effects and music to our videos!
What I like best is that Adobe Premiere Pro really is great in terms of allowing flexibility to users. I can do anything from video cropping to color grading to creating title sequences. Therefore, this can become the only program anyone uses for their video editing.
What I disliked is that it is not very user-friendly to people who are beginners in video editing. I struggled with figuring out how to import different types of media, such as various audio formats. I also disliked how the program would take a long time to export for longer videos.
The business benefits that Adobe Premiere Pro provides is that videos can easily be created. Whether it be in a slideshow format or a full length movie or documentary, any type of video can be created using this.
The ability to have multiple quadrants on the screen to view timelines, full video, single video clip, and all the media being used is helpful
It crashes all the time, and the autosave is not the most reliable
Video editing software is a necessity
The ease of using tools and understanding the elements to make your video great
So much good stuff to use but can’t figure itball out
Short clip promotion videos
There are a ton of rendering options, and the effects library
You cannot move the layers of film around like you can in other softwares
Films of equipment
Editing a full video with easy to use clipping and audio mixing
Can take a little while to learn and to teach to your team
Mostly short videos for marketing and editing online webinars for on-demand
I like that you get familiar with it quickly
Once I discovered After Effects I no longer had any use or need for premiere pro
shortening videos and exporting in the correct format
I like how feature-rich it is, and how easy it is for newbies to use.
The monthly subscription thing is annoying and unfair, it crashes too frequently (which often causes you to lose data). There are too many cons for me to list.
Adobe Premiere Pro allows me to provide my clients with high quality, well made videos using it's built in features and external features added using plugins.
Premiere Pro is the industry standard which means compatibility and formatting is usually not an issue.
This software is incredibly difficult to learn in my opinion. I also do not like the user interface. I am constantly losing my panels. Panels shift too often and I spend so much of my time hunting for a panel that has disappeared.
I have to use this software in my work for creating social media content. Premiere Pro allows me to create a quality video that looks professional and attests to the brand(s) that I am representing.
I like that I am able to utilize files, some of which I can’t, in FCP.
I dislike how it does not feel intuitive not user-friendly.
Editing videos has been possible when it otherwise would have not been.
Ease of adjusting filters and moving different media around the timeline.
Finding specific screens for imported items, sometimes it is confusing going from several different boxes on the screen trying to find what you're looking for.
We create animated welcome screens for tours that visit our plant, and video loops of our factory work for commercials, presentations.
Deep feature set that allows you to work on a professional level.
Crashes frequently, pricing model isn't to be admired.
Allows me to edit footage, quickly and to a high standard of quality.
I like the customizable panels because it allows me to easily customize the screen to each part of the project I’m working on.
I dislike the clunky-ness of the relink feature because it fails frequently. It’s a waste of time when I have to search for files.
It’s a good tool for collaboration.
It’s quite common NLE software in small-medium post production studio.
Seriously, It’s unbelievable how they can’t manage to fix bugs and stability problem after all these years in the market.
We use it when the project have to be passed between other studios.
I do not care for this product so I cannot say what I like best.
The product is extremely difficult to use.
It has helped with video editing but when I export videos I have created I get errors.