WordPress is arguably the most popular open-source, cloud-based content management system based on PHP and MySQL designed to help small to large businesses create, manage and publish content for websites. The customizable solution allows enterprises to use plugins, widgets, and themes to simplify web creation and design. Top features allow users to upload and store multimedia content, auto-save progress, and restore critical data.
Capabilities |
Segment |
Deployment | Cloud / SaaS / Web-Based, Desktop Linux, Desktop Mac, Desktop Windows, On-Premise Linux, On-Premise Windows |
Support | 24/7 (Live rep), Chat, Email/Help Desk, FAQs/Forum, Knowledge Base, Phone Support |
Training | Documentation |
Languages | English |
ability to upload themes and plugins, and complete control if your more technically inclined, and the overall community is wonderful.
Requires a more expensive web host, requires a good amount of technical knowledge to do simple setup, and your responsible for stopping spam
We are able to advertise more
As a web developer, I appreciate how customizable Wordpress is. It is also user friendly, which is a huge win for my clients.
Since it is popular, you have to monitor security closely. Hackers target the platform and plugins.
I have built ~50 websites on Wordpress for a variety of clients, large and small. It is easy for them to use, and easy for me to implement.
I love how easy it is to customize Everything. Endless options.
Not much actually... You have to know a little bit to be able to make it work.
I am able to reach people with my stories and information in a creative way.
WordPress is an amazing platform that can be utilized to build many different types of products. It includes a huge community of developers and, best of all, its free!
Security issues could be improved, with the core product, but also with plugins and other third party tools used with the platform.
Building high quality websites in very little time, from content websites, to directories and even ecommerce. My company is able to deploy sites quickly and efficiently that perform with high amounts of traffic. This allows us to scale our business with lower costs and more flexibility when it comes to web development and digital marketing.
Easy installation, very flexible and customizable. A lot of ressources out there to help you out. You can be a newbie or a veteran coder and still be able to create a nice website and e-commerce.
Too many theme or plugin wannabe developper.
We created a fully functionnal e-commerce website without the need to hire an expansive creative agency to do it. It saved us a lot or money in the end.
There is so much I love about WordPress. The massive ecosystem, extensibility, flexibility, and enormous community of people using it and sharing ideas. While other platforms will tout "newer" or "cutting edge" technology, that usually means they're more complicated or more likely to break (or not work as expected). There are other solutions that may be "easier" to get started, but ultimately that means you're giving up significant control over what you can do in the long run.
I do think some of the underlying technology needs updating, but I fully understand the difficulty in updating this technology when it's so widespread and affects so many people.
Website design, development, and maintenance. Web app design, development, and maintenance. WordPress is everything for our digital home base.
Word Press offers an exceptional platform to build from for beginning bloggers. It is easy to learn, and applicable to many other platforms for future business or freelance work.
There are points where Word Press glitches, and you have to retype or re-submit different articles that you had previously entered. Sometimes it is a user error, but there are times when it is the websites fault. Not a major issue, but one that can be stressful at times if you are pressed to make a deadline.
I do quite a bit of freelance writing, and it provides a platform to not only showcase my personal talents, but to market certain products.
Usability and many plugins that can be added.
Security problems if not kept always up to date.
We used WP to create a wiki for partners
I like how I can manage the website from within the style we choose, and allows us to plug into a fundraising management site for our donations
I wish there were more basic styles for sites that could be easily changed without extra spending.
We need a web platform for a distributed charity that has fundriasers all over the country.
Easy installation, easy to organize posts and categories. Plenty of free plug-ins, and if you need it for e-commerce, you can use woo commerce.
The only draw back is that if your site is very big, then it won't accommodate very well. There is a breaking point.
Simple blog and recipe blog. It's easier to keep the e-commerce platform and blog separate. WordPress is easy to manage.
The easy and also the range of tools. Training on the tool is also very straight forward, and we were able to sync with CoSchedule beautifully, making WP the perfect tool for us. Even add in SEO properties, sort by categories, etc. We have a large audience, and yet this simple tool is the perfect thing.
Sometimes the formatting can get a bit confusing, but I do not have extensive experience with coding or with WP. I also would wish to be able to add in new categories at a moment's notice, as opposed to just select from the permanent ones on the sidebar (although that may mess with back-end things, so I totally understand why.)
Posting content in-house onto our website (that gets shared on social media).
Wordpress is simple to use and it's easy to make it do whatever you need it to do.
It has a slight learning curve at the beginning.
Wordpress provides a platform that is usable for most people and is fairly easy to learn.
Once you get the hang of the basics, Wordpress will become your go-to. There are so many different templates, free and paid, and a lot of regularly updated plugins to choose from so you don't have to write all of your needed integrations yourself.
It's performance intensive. You will have trouble running it well on a basic hosting package.
I use Wordpress.org in all of my clients' sites. It's made web design easier and cheaper for my clients.
Easy to use. Has a lot of options and downloads availability
Dislike that different windows open every time you select something different to customize
So simplistic and easy to learn to use. Wordpress has so many options to make your website amazing and detailed. I've used others in the past and they don't compare at all. All the options on the left side are easy to navigate. My Site is great— the page editor is beautiful and it’s simple to understand. Pages and blog posts are created using a WYSIWYG editor (so not a drag-and-drop visual interface, which many users may prefer). Fortunately the WYSIWYG editor is very nicely done.
Teaching myself is a slower process, but overall easy to catch on. The only issues I really have is learning what each thing does and how it effects my site. But overall its self explanatory. My Site is really simple. As soon as you to use some of the advanced features— for example create a store or add a poll— you have swap over to the WP Admin
Wordpress helps my business run smoothly, detailed options to make a better site. Wordpress has so many options to make your website amazing and detailed. I've used others in the past and they don't compare at all. You can lose a lot of time answering questions by phone. And if you hear many of the same questions every day, there’s an opportunity. You can display those questions–and your answers–on your website using a WordPress FAQ (frequently asked questions) plugin. The HTML5 Responsive FAQ plugin allows you to create groups of FAQs, sort them by category, and customize the look and feel. This will provide a useful resource for your customers, help bring more traffic to your site, and get you off the phone.
I have been blogging for many years now and one of the greatest platforms I have used is WordPress. I like the fact that there are many themes and plugins available for me to use for my blog. Being able to choose a nice theme for your Website or blog provides a great deal of satisfaction. The backend is user-friendly even for non-tech people.
Finding the right theme that matches your expectations can be tumultuous. I have switched themes many times before zeroing in on the right one.
As a business owner, I need to increase my visibility on the Internet. I use my blog powered by WordPress to that effect. I am able to publish more articles, which helps me in terms attracting more readers and improving my blog's search engine optimization (SEO).
The ability to customise it to build any kind website using addons
Require web development knowledge to successful build great websires
Its free, you don't need to be the best php programmer to design awesome websites
Wordpress is simple to make a website with, I highly suggest it
The pricing models are a bit confusing and don't always let you put the right settings in place
I wanted to add some embedded videos and realized I had to pay more money for that.
lot of plugins and offer lot of templates so we can choose what we want. and wordpress has less coding work to do when you build a website. and we can maintain wordpress as a team, so i can add other user as a maintenance, not a user!. Wordpress themes also inexpensive we can buy any of them now in lot of websites themes seller. wordpress design is better then my design when using manual code editor. it takes lot of time to build nice design website, but with wordpress you can make it as easy as you click the themes and voila! you got a new cool design website for your own. Wordpress Dashboard is easy user interface, so we can easy maintain our website.
i dont like the speed! sometimes it runs slower than other webpage. it need times to open page, loading so long we have to wait!. Mostly a lot of plugins crash when update to the latest wordpress. but The SECURITY is sucks! i've hacked lot of times when i use wordpress for my website, and very confusing to recovery my website after it got hacked.
my company website, the benefits are i can create our website quick, no need to coding, less time! by the way i've made -+ 11 websites use wordpress and its good
What I like about Wordpress is that I could use it knowing nothing about templates and blogs. There are programs for everyone. You can look at an example and see what your website will look like. If you're a little better with computers and codes you can completely design your own website using Wordpress.
It's hard to think of something I don't like about Wordpress. I would guess I like to see an update on the app
I can see the traffic of the website and any updates that work or don't work by watching the daily traffic