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The best webinar software
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WebinarGeek Reviews & Product Details

WebinarGeek Overview
What is WebinarGeek?

Largely considered one of the most user-friendly webinar software available today, WebinarGeek ensures seamless efficiency through powerful interactions and marketing tools. Users can enjoy real-time interactive virtual presentations that allows brands to easily customize events and present in high-definition quality. Users can also share PowerPoint of Keynote presentations with the audience, and easily switch between them during webinars. The platform also supports full screen or single window sharing.

Company WebinarGeek B.V.
Year founded 2015
Company size 11-50 employees
Headquarters Zoetermeer, South Holland, The Netherlands
Social Media
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Ask Questions about WebinarGeek
What WebinarGeek is best for?
How does WebinarGeek compare to BlueJeans Virtual Events?
What are the pros and cons of WebinarGeek?
WebinarGeek Product Details
Small Business
Mid Market
Deployment Cloud / SaaS / Web-Based, Desktop Mac, Desktop Windows, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone
Support 24/7 (Live rep), Chat, Email/Help Desk, FAQs/Forum, Knowledge Base, Phone Support
Training Documentation
Languages English
WebinarGeek Pros and Cons
  • Supports live, automated, and hybrid webinars.
  • Offers SEO settings for the registration page.
  • Provides sales tools including CTAs and a sales page that lets you push leads
  • Takes quite a while to set up.
  • No integrated attentiveness tracking or metric
  • Doesn’t let you send customized emails to viewers or non-viewers
WebinarGeek Features
Analytics and Reporting
Attendee Tracking
Automated Email Invitations
Automated Webinar Reminders
Breakout Rooms
Chat Functionality
Customizable Branding
Customizable Registration Forms
Engagement Analytics
Event Management
File Sharing
HD Video and Audio
Hand Raising
Host Controls
Integration with CRM
Landing Page Templates
Lead Generation Tools
Live Polling
Mobile Access
Multilingual Support
On-Demand Webinars
Post-Webinar Surveys
Q&A Management
Recording and Playback
Registration Management
Screen Sharing
Social Media Integration
Surveys and Feedback
Virtual Backgrounds
Whiteboard Tools
WebinarGeek Media
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WebinarGeek Screenshots
Our research is curated from diverse authoritative sources and meant to offer general advice. We don’t guarantee that our suggestions will work best for each use-case, so consider your unique needs when choosing products and services. Feel free to share your feedback.
Last updated: July 26, 2024
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238 WebinarGeek Reviews
4.5 out of 5
Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
May 03, 2023
Overall Rating:
Evelien v. avatar
Evelien V.
Senior Corporate Recruiter
"Super fijn systeem!"
What do you like best about WebinarGeek?

Met webinargeek kan je goed webinars organiseren en alles van te voren in plannen, zoals email reminders ect. Verder vind ik de ondemand optie heel goed, waardoor je er gebruik van kan blijven maken!

What do you dislike about WebinarGeek?

Soms heeft systeem ons in de steek gelaten bij start van een webinar.

What problems is WebinarGeek solving and how is that benefiting you?

Vast lopen systeem en verbeteren van de interface

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 03, 2023
Overall Rating:
Anita W.
"Duidelijk, inclusief e-learning en tips voor gebruik"
What do you like best about WebinarGeek?

Leuke en laagdrempelige manier om klanten te ontmoeten en van informatie te kunnen voorzien. Je kunt WebinarGeek voor kleine groep als voor grotere groepen inzetten. Zo is het ook mogelijk om met een co-host te werken. Tof is dat je tijdens het webinar een quiz of pol kan laten draaien. Webinargeek leent zich ook voor het opnemen van video's. Pluspunt is dat je de pagina's in stijl van je bedrijfsaccount kan aanpassen. Mailings kan je helemaal op maat maken en instellen.

What do you dislike about WebinarGeek?

Indien tijdje niet gebruikt kan het zijn dat er wijzigingen in het dashbord zijn. Vraagt dan wel om jezelf vooraf hierin te verdiepen. Anderzijds wordt je hier bij inloggen middels een pop-up direct op geattendeerd en zijn er duidelijke instructies over te vinden.

What problems is WebinarGeek solving and how is that benefiting you?

Online bereik van meerdere personen. Opname van video's Ondemand bereikbaar kunnen zijn met toch een live gevoel voor de kijker. Die dan ook vragen kan stellen en opmerkingen kan maken. Deze komen direct in je mail, zodat je kan antwoorden.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 03, 2023
Overall Rating:
Annemieke A.
"WebinarGeek maakt het eenvoudig om webinars te verzorgen om kennis te delen of als marketingtool"
What do you like best about WebinarGeek?

Het vraagt weining technische kennis om WebinarGeek te gebruiken en door de koppelingen die je kunt maken met andere tools past het perfect binnen geautomatiseerde verkoop- en marketingprocessen.

What do you dislike about WebinarGeek?

Het is een detail, maar sommige beheerderstaken zouden eenvoudiger/ sneller kunnen. Als ik nu bijvoorbeeld oudere webinars wil archiveren, moet dat 1 voor 1 en springt de interface na het verwijderen steeds naar het overzicht met toekomstige webinars. Hierdoor zijn dus veel handelingen nodig om een reeks webinars te verwijderen. Overigens merk ik wel dat met elke update de software nog gebruiksvriendelijker wordt, want de meeste taken gaan al heel handig en per keer wordt er weer iets aangepast dat de software echt verbetert.

What problems is WebinarGeek solving and how is that benefiting you?

Ik gebruik WebinarGeek om kennis te delen met grote groepen deelnemers en dit herhaald te doen. Ik vind het ontzettend handig dat ik webinars eenmalig kan verzorgen en vervolgens de opnames on demand kan blijven delen op mijn website totdat de inhoud niet meer relevant of up-to-date is. Ik zet dit in in mijn marketing en gebruik de webinars bijvoorbeeld om abonnees voor mijn mails te krijgen en om de bekendheid van mijn bedrijf te laten groeien. Daarnaast verzorg ik ook betaalde webinars, deze verzorg ik altijd live en het scheelt me heel veel tijd dat de hele afhandeling hiervan, financieel gezien, geautomatiseerd kan.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 03, 2023
Overall Rating:
Willem N. avatar
Willem N.
Neven Activiteiten
"Veel meer dan Zoom, Teams en dergelijke"
What do you like best about WebinarGeek?

Gemak, eenvoud. Zeer handige functionaliteit. Alles wat je nodig hebt voor een goed webinar. Vooral de voorbereiding (mail, inschrijving, follow-up). Prima kwlaiteit. Goede support (maar die is eigenlijk niet nodig).

What do you dislike about WebinarGeek?

Zou het niet weten. Wellicht handig om data vanuit verschillende webinars samen te kunnen voegen?

What problems is WebinarGeek solving and how is that benefiting you?

Neemt de volledige zorg uit handen voor een succesvol webinar. Alle functionaliteit zit er in. Sheets maken en dan uploaden. Handige interacties; polls; quizzes

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 03, 2023
Overall Rating:
Marjon D.
"Snelle service en makkelijk programma"
What do you like best about WebinarGeek?

Fijne aan het programma is dat het in het Nederlands is. Als je vragen hebt, krijg je echt super snel antwoord, ook in de avond. Ze denken met je mee. Ook belangrijk!

What do you dislike about WebinarGeek?

Ik heb het nog niet ontdekt. De doorontwikkeling gaat ook snel. Voor hoe wij het gebruiken is het echt meer dan voldoende en fijn om mee te werken!

What problems is WebinarGeek solving and how is that benefiting you?

Ik zou hier niks kunnen invullen want ik ervaar alleen maar positiviteit. ............................................. .....................................

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 03, 2023
Overall Rating:
Joyce R.
Marketing Communications Manager
"WebinarGeek is very userfriendly, we love it!"
What do you like best about WebinarGeek?

WebinarGeek is very userfriendly for us creating events but also for the people attending events. We create 1 webinar and simply copy this template for other events. No need to do the work twice. I also love the analytics, we can see you actually attended and reviewed the recording. This is very important to us, as we need to check attendance.

What do you dislike about WebinarGeek?

You cannot upload powerpoints.Not a big issue, cause you can still show a powerpoint by sharing your screen.

What problems is WebinarGeek solving and how is that benefiting you?

We needed a platform that is safe to use by our customers. We tried different products, but almost always stumbled on customers who couldn't access the platform due to safety issues. With WebinarGeek, everyone is able to access the platform. We also needed a platform where we can set up events in Dutch and English. Also out english speaking customers find the platform easy to use.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 03, 2023
Overall Rating:
Paul J.
"In my opinion, WebinarGeek is the best Webinar Platormr there is curently"
What do you like best about WebinarGeek?

It is incredibly well thought out, logical and covers every scenario you can think of for webinars

What do you dislike about WebinarGeek?

truly - nothing. I can honestly sau there is nothing I dislike

What problems is WebinarGeek solving and how is that benefiting you?

Webinargeek allows me to run live, on-demand and automated webinars without restriction. It is a very self-contained platform, it does everything in one place.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 11, 2023
Overall Rating:
Bibi S.
"Perfect, good support"
What do you like best about WebinarGeek?

Good support, quick reactions at questions and everything is adjustable to your personal needs. No need to download apps or anything.

What do you dislike about WebinarGeek?

You can change so much, takes some time to make it your own if you're not using it on a daily base

What problems is WebinarGeek solving and how is that benefiting you?

Being able to give online trainings and be able to watch them on a later moment

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Feb 24, 2023
Overall Rating:
Marleen B.
"Great software with a super helpdesk!"
What do you like best about WebinarGeek?

The software works very easy! You will be taken step by step in the system to create your own webinar with the various e-mails. You don't have to be a computernerd to do this. If you can't figure it out, the helpdesk is great! They really think along and help you very quickly. Even when I was on maternity leave I still got an email about something we talked about before my leave. So my data wasn’t lost, because they still thought about me 3/4 months later! Really great!

What do you dislike about WebinarGeek?

The only thing that was a pity, was that I couldn't download my webinars with my onhold subscription, but as I wrote above, Werbinargeek thought along very well. So we also found a solution for that!

What problems is WebinarGeek solving and how is that benefiting you?

Webinargeek ensures that I can give webinars to my customers in an easy way. They help with the registration, making the webinar, recording the webinar, the emails before and after the webinar. You can also analyze the statistics and of course sell services or products through the webinar. You can also have the webinars run automatically, which is also great!

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jan 05, 2023
Overall Rating:
Ineke V.
Netwerk Marketeer
"It's an easy to learn program with fantastic support"
What do you like best about WebinarGeek?

I like the friendly website how I could easily make my webinar subsription form

What do you dislike about WebinarGeek?

It has improved so much in the 7 years I use the programm, so I do not have a dislike

What problems is WebinarGeek solving and how is that benefiting you?

It's has helped me to meet people i normally would not meet. It helped me to get new prospects and clients

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Dec 19, 2022
Overall Rating:
Thomas πŸ“ˆ N. avatar
Thomas πŸ“ˆ N.
"The tool is good and the support is excellent!"
What do you like best about WebinarGeek?

The support and the ease of use. Its a tool with a very good interface.

What do you dislike about WebinarGeek?

In comparison with another tooling, I don't have dislikes in WebinarGeek.

What problems is WebinarGeek solving and how is that benefiting you?

I reduce the time spent for sales. I can group a couple of people in one session so I don't have to do one-one ones to get to know this prospects.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Dec 12, 2022
Overall Rating:
Aaron P. avatar
Aaron P.
Marketing & Sales Technology A.I. @ Wolters Kluwer
"Great, affordable, little webinar tool with all the features you'd ever want."
What do you like best about WebinarGeek?

The simulated live feature is one of the best I've seen so far. The chat playback makes it feel like a live webinar every time, and all that at 0 additional costs! Great customer service, API to connect to build your own integrations, and a number of premade integrations already there. It's just awesome!

What do you dislike about WebinarGeek?

The only thing I can say is that the interface is a bit clunky (although far from the competitor's clunkiness (hello GoToWebinar, it's me, your ex-customer)). There are many menus in menus. And there's no mobile app (something you might want if you run webinar funnels powered by ads like me).

What problems is WebinarGeek solving and how is that benefiting you?

The ability to connect with my customers at scale is what really makes WebinarGeek stand out for me. Or should I say? The ease at which they do it. The tool itself is so user-friendly; my mom could use it.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jun 17, 2022
Overall Rating:
Roderick G. avatar
Roderick G.
Team Performance Coach / Hpo Consultant (Owner)
"There is no beter option"
What do you like best about WebinarGeek?

AVG proof, ease of use, pricing, tons of features for analytics as well as CRM related actions

What do you dislike about WebinarGeek?

I honestly have none. I'm very satisfied with the product.

What problems is WebinarGeek solving and how is that benefiting you?

No problems. Due to COVID-19 I needed an other option for my keynote talks on stage. WebinarGeek gave the opportunity to quickly setup online keynote sessions in the form of webinars. The best benefit for me is the more direct interaction and contact with my potential clients en customers.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 27, 2022
Overall Rating:
Marieke v. avatar
Marieke V.
Eigenaar | Online Marketing Expert Voor Coaches & Trainers & Experts
"Happy user"
What do you like best about WebinarGeek?

I use WebinarGeek for several of my clients. I really like that they have a fast Dutch support service and that we can make links with MailBlue / ActiveCampaign. These are reasons for me that I like to recommend WebinarGeek to my clients.

What do you dislike about WebinarGeek?

I don't miss anything about WebinarGeek.

What problems is WebinarGeek solving and how is that benefiting you?

We can give webinars now that are fully integrated with our activecampaign e-mailsoftware.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 24, 2022
Overall Rating:
Katleen V.
Senior Copywriter
"Great helpdesk"
What do you like best about WebinarGeek?

The helpdesk of WebinarGeek is very supportive. I was panicking before my first webinar because my presentation couldn't be uploaded. The helpdesk fixed it so I could do my first webinar. And it was a succesful one.

What do you dislike about WebinarGeek?

It should be easier to add a new edition of a webinar. The function to add a new one is somewhat hidden.

What problems is WebinarGeek solving and how is that benefiting you?

With WebinarGeek I can set up quickly new webinars and gain new clients.